sábado, 27 de junho de 2009
X. Insight
the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing
psychiatry - new understanding by a mentally ill person of the causes of their disorder
Guess your dreams always end
They don't rise up just descend
But I don't care anymore
I've lost the will to want more
I'm not afraid not at all
I watch them all as they fall
But I remember when we were young
Those with habits of waste
Their sense of style and good taste
Of making sure you were right
Hey don't you know you were right?
I'm not afraid anymore
I keep my eyes on the door
But I remember
Tears of sadness for you
More upheaval for you
Reflects a moment in time
A special moment in time
Yeah, we are wasted our time
We didn't really have time
But we remember when we were young
And all of God's angels beware
And all you judges beware
Sons of chance, take good care
For all the people not there
I'm not afraid anymore
I'm not afraid anymore
I'm not afraid anymore
Oh, I'm not afraid anymore
Ian Curtis, 1979
domingo, 9 de novembro de 2008
IX. Sem Remédio
Aqueles que me têm muito amor
Não sabem o que sinto e o que sou...
Não sabem que passou, um dia, a Dor
À minha porta e, nesse dia, entrou.
E é desde então que eu sinto este pavor,
Este frio que anda em mim, e que gelou
O que de bom me deu Nosso Senhor!
Se eu nem sei por onde ando e onde vou!!
Sinto os passos de Dor, essa cadência
Que é já tortura infinda, que é demência!
Que é já vontade doida de gritar!
E é sempre a mesma mágoa, o mesmo tédio,
A mesma angústia funda, sem remédio,
Andando atrás de mim, sem me largar!
Florbela Espanca
sexta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2008
VIII. Red night with Red Snapper

woooow... what a great concert i saw last night @ Santiago Alquimista!
it's the second time i saw Red Snapper live, and they are absolutely amazing!!!
and... (hooOOOOooooOOooowls)... that double bass... *sighs*
awesome! i went there with my friend Lucas (thank yoooooou), saw my old friend Madruga, and met some new people... very, very nice... and ended the night @ Caxin-bar (finally went there - great bar!)
and... i met the Red Snappers! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :P
i really don't know what else to write ... except that it was a really great evening :)
...and...very RED!

saudaaaaade, saudaaaaade...

Botequim, awesome 'tasca' :D

electric train

old tree

me & Lucas

trying to fish some Red Snappers :D
geeeeez... i'm such a terrible paparazzi...

haunted Santiago

stage or sea?... waiting to start fishing some red snappers

i love this baby!!!!


Red Snapper Ali turning red

Red Snapper Tom turning green

Red Snapper David turning dark

Red Snapper Rich glowing

Red Snappers @ Red Sea

Ali & me

me & Tom

2 double bass players - Lucas & Ali

MM & me :P

Red glass


burning in the crow's city
...i see RED people...

my oldest dream...
quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2008
VII. World is about to change!

still have a lot that i want to post since halloween party... but not right now...
and people who know me well, know that i hate politics and the way that America rules the world...
so... right now i want to congratulate the american people for choosing this man to be their president...
i never thought i would follow american elections like i did this night, and i'm happy i did, because this will be a big mark in history!
i'm very happy Obama was elected. this means that serious stuff in America and in many places in world will change (so i hope and believe)... it's really overwhelming to see an african-american man being elected by one of the most racist countries in the world (in my opinion, but now maybe will change)... so... congratulations to the american people! yes, you can, and yes... you did!!!
thank you!
"Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time: the need for man to overcome oppression and
violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge,
aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love."
Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Stockholm, Sweden, December 11, 1964
violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge,
aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love."
Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Stockholm, Sweden, December 11, 1964
"The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict."
Martin Luther King, Jr., 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail', April, 1963
Martin Luther King, Jr., 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail', April, 1963
...by the way... i have to post one thing more...i think that my last painted canvas deserves to be here... this canvas was requested by my dear one, Sdt... and is based on Michael Franti & Spearhead' s album artcover 'Everyone Deserves Music' :)

acrylic on canvas, 2005
100 x 150 cm
sexta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2008
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